Sunday, June 29, 2008

another milestone - first 7 mile run

Saturday was a day of many milestones, some real, some artificial, thanks to the metric system. It was the first time I had run 7 miles continuously, and I really mean continuously. Did not pause for even one step to take a break or to sip water, thanks to my fuel belt. It was the first time I had run for more than one hour, and the first time I had run more than 10 kms(11.2 to be exact). And the cool thing is I(along with my running buddies) kept a perfect pace of 11 mins a mile - finishing 7 miles in 76 minutes (we made up 1 minute due to our over-eagerness over the last half-mile by upping the pace).
And the weather had a lot to do with it. It was a muggy, cold day about 55 F/12 C, one of those days I used to hate when I was a kid. You know, an irritating, dull day where it is neither sunny nor rainy, just gloomy - basically like England but with zero chances of showers. But the perfect day for running, and if Oct 26th is anything like last Saturday, I think my chances of completing just doubled. If only I could get my hands on those weather-changing stuff China has apparently(see The Daily show from last week).

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